Executive Protection

Executive Protection

Next Level

Our executive protection agents are well trained and all come from various security and law enforcement backgrounds. They understand that each client’s safety is our number one priority. Each agent is  proactive, attentive and knowledgeable in regards to our clients day to day needs and activities. Our agents are prepared to handle any and all threats that may arise on a day to day basis. Knowing how to blend in but be close enough to efficiently react is one of our specialties.

Executive Driver

We offer armed driver services for special events or long term details. Where you will have the company of a security professional that also doubles as an armed driver with or without an armored vehicle.

Executive Protection Team

We can provide a team of  2 or more armed or unarmed executive protection agents who are deployed to your home, place of work or with your family due to a heightened level of threat or concern. The team will conduct threat assessments to plug safety holes and provide action plans and training. Patrols around work or home property will be a part of agents daily routine. The monitoring of cctv cameras as well as access control methods will also take place.

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